
Sprout is a simple connection-oriented protocol for exchanging nodes in the Arbor Forest (as defined by the Arbor Forest specification).

Protocol requires an underlying transport that is connection-oriented and supports reliable delivery.

Sprout is an exchange of messages, where either side can send any message type.

#Message Structure

Messages consist of a single header line followed by zero or more lines of content. All lines, both header and content end with the ASCII newline character \n.

There are two types of message, requests and responses. Each request will have one response.

All message header lines begin with a plaintext verb indicating what kind of message they are.

There is no requirement to wait for a response before sending another request. Either party may choose to respond with an error status message if the Sprout implementation cannot handle a sufficient number of in-flight requests.

In request messages, the second whitespace-delimited element of the header line is a message ID, which is a monotonically increasing unsigned integer (in decimal notation) that MUST be unique for the lifetime of the Sprout connection. Most messages have different headers after the message ID.

<verb> <message_id> [<header> ...]

In a response message, the second whitespace-delimited element of the header line is a target message ID, which indicates which request message the response corresponds to.

<verb> <target_message_id> [<header> ...]
#Content Line Types

Sprout messages that have a body of extra data after their header lines use one of several structures for each line of their body:

#Node ID Lines

A node_id_line just contains an encoded node ID for an Arbor Forest node using the encoding described here.

#Full Node Lines

A full_node_line contains an Arbor Forest node ID (encoded as in Node ID Lines) followed by the base64url-encoded value of that entire Arbor Forest Node.

<node_id> <node>
#Message Types

The version message is an advertisement of the sender's protocol version. It is intended to indicate to the other end of the connection what messages are understood.

#Message Structure
version <message_id> <version number>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • version_number should be the dotted-numeral notation of the protocol major and minor version number.
#Possible Responses
  • status
version 1 0.0

An advertisement that the local client supports only the current unstable protocol version.


The list message requests a quantity of recent nodes of a given type. This is useful when attempting to discover new identity and community nodes.

#Message Structure
list <message_id> <node_type> <quantity>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • node_type should be one of the Arbor Forest node types defined as a decimal integer.
  • quantity should be the number of nodes requested. The response is guaranteed to have less than or equal to this many elements.
#Possible Responses
  • response
  • status
list 5 1 10

A request for ten community nodes.


The query message requests a list of specific nodes. This is useful when looking up specific node values (like when resolving the authors of Reply nodes).

#Message Structure
query <message_id> <count>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • count should be the number of node IDs that follow the header row (one per line).
  • node_id_line is described in the section on Node ID Lines
#Possible Responses
  • response
  • status
query 27 3

The ancestry message requests the nodes prior to a list of nodes within the Arbor Forest up to a specified depth. This is useful when looking up the history of a collection of Leaf nodes.

#Message Structure
ancestry <message_id> <node_id> <levels>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • node_id is the ID of the node whose ancestry is being requested.
  • levels is the desired number of levels of ancestry.
#Possible Responses
  • response
  • status
ancestry 44 SHA512_B32__CZMk9Gv5g4GYNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4Ekk 3

A request for three levels of ancestry for the listed node ID.

#Leaves Of

The leaves_of message requests a quantity of recent Leaf nodes in the subtree rooted at a specific node. This is useful for discovering recent conversations when you join a relay.

#Possible Responses
  • response
  • status
#Message Structure
leaves_of <message_id> <node_id> <quantity>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • node_id is the ID of the node that roots the subtree for which this message is querying leaves.
  • quantity should be the number of Leaf nodes desired in the response.
leaves_of 101 SHA512_B32__CZMk9Gv5g4GYNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4Ekk 45

A request for the 45 most recent Leaf nodes of the given node.


The subscribe message requests that updates to a community node be shared over the current connection in real time. This goes both directions. If a subscribe is accepted, both sides agree to share new nodes within that community as soon as they are discovered (by any means).

#Message Structure
subscribe <message_id> <node_id>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • node_id is the identifier of the community that should be added to the connection's subscription list.
#Possible Responses
  • status
subscribe 20 SHA512_B32__CZMk9Gv5g4GYNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4Ekk

The unsubscribe message requests that updates to a community node no longer be shared over the current connection. This goes both directions. unsubscribe messages MUST be honored by both sides, but the request may error if attempting to unsubscribe from a non-subscribed or nonexistent community.

#Message Structure
unsubscribe <message_id> <node_id>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • node_id is the identifier of the community that should be added to the connection's subscription list.
#Possible Responses
  • status
unsubscribe 110 SHA512_B32__CZMk9Gv5g4GYNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4Ekk

The announce message contains a set of new nodes belonging to one of the connection's subscribed communities. This message is used to inform the other end of the connection of new content.

#Message Structure
announce <message_id> <count>
  • message_id should be a unique unsigned integer that has not been sent to the remote side of the connection before.
  • count should be the number of node lines that follow the header row (one per line).
  • full_node_line is described in the section on Full Node Lines.
#Possible Responses
  • status
announce 321 3
SHA512_B32__CZMk9Gv5g4GYNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4Ekk YNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fejek...
SHA512_B32__TlztQX6enWYO3EXlDg1_F6tXOpiSxlGr7nZTNF530lM vwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5FekDNITsfYF...
SHA512_B32__d2XDjNrF03bFAUP6V_Nou1O28n9V1nWCWyvPdO5C0co 5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe...

Three new nodes from a subscribed community being announced to the other end of the connection.


The response message contains a set of response for part (or all) of a previous request message.

#Message Structure
response <target_message_id> <count>
  • target_message_id is the message ID of the request message that this responds to.
  • count should be the number of node lines that follow the header row (one per line).
  • full_node_line is described in the section on Full Node Lines.
response 44 3
SHA512_B32__CZMk9Gv5g4GYNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4Ekk YNAPcdvwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fejek...
SHA512_B32__TlztQX6enWYO3EXlDg1_F6tXOpiSxlGr7nZTNF530lM vwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5FekDNITsfYF...
SHA512_B32__d2XDjNrF03bFAUP6V_Nou1O28n9V1nWCWyvPdO5C0co 5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe5Fe4EkkwkDNITsfYFFsTu95jM5Fe...

A response for request 44 containing three nodes.


The status message indicates the success or failure of a previous request.

#Message Structure
status <target_message_id> <status_code>
  • target_message_id is the message ID of the request message that this responds to.
  • error_code is one of the codes listed in Error Codes.
status 44 3

This message indicates that the request with message_id 44 referred to a node that is unknown to the other end of the connection.

#Status Codes
Numeric Value Human Name Meaning
0 Ok the request was successful

An example of the sequence of messages echanged by an Arbor client and an Arbor relay.

The | symbol denotes "OR", and is used to indicate that one of several messages may be sent.

# check version compatibility
client -> relay: version
client <- relay: version | status (unsupported)

# check which communities are available
client -> relay: list communities
client <- relay: response (of communities) | status (error)

# subscribe to relevant communities
client -> relay: unsubscribe | subscribe (to communities)
client <- relay: status

# client fills out message history by querying for past nodes
client -> relay: list | leaves_of | query | ancestry
client <- relay: response | status

# announce new nodes authored by the client
client -> relay: announce
client <- relay: status

# announce new nodes discovered by the relay
client <- relay: announce
client -> relay: status

# client leaves a community
client -> relay: unsubscribe
client <- relay: status

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commit bc5691fbee23d4933ced1ba734db739aad833611
Author: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
Date:   2021-10-27T15:59:49-04:00

content: fix self hosting guide

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
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